Re: Linux Kernel Exploits / ABFrag

From: Erik Sperling Johansen (erikat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 16:20:45 PDT

  • Next message: Russell Fulton: "Re: Hiding IP addresses in trace data"

    Hash: SHA1
    On Monday 21 October 2002 18:16, Curt Wilson wrote:
    > I'm wondering if there is any way to determine the burneye options used by
    > analyzing the encrypted file? I doubt it, but does anyone have any
    > experience with this?
    To a degree that will be possible. Not the password ofcourse, but whether the 
    file uses a host fingerprint e.g. could be determined. 
    > Looks like we need to get brute forcing that password (could be nearly
    > impossible), or perhaps find a good reverse engineer. I recall reading
    > material by Dave Dittrich about trying to reverse engineer the x2 SSH
    > exploit that had been protected with burneye. I also came across an
    > article somewhere, perhaps on the teso website, that talked about the
    > sorry state of the "white hat" reverse engineers. Personally, I could not
    > reverse engineer myself out of a wet paper bag.
    > I'm very curious to learn more about this exploit, and would enjoy seeing
    > the IDS activity discussed in the first message in this thread. Do we have
    > enough to make a snort signature? Did you get an image of the systems
    > memory at the time of the exploit? Perhaps there is a snowballs chance in
    > hell that the password used to run the executable could be recovered.
    I've been working on reversing this "exploit" and burneye itself a few days 
    now, but as far as I can see there's no logic flaws nor backdoors in burneye, 
    thus leaving the option of bruteforcing.
    Burneye basically did this to ABfrags:
    - - SHA1 hash the password
    - - Grab 20 bytes from /dev/urandom, xor with password hash
    - - SHA1 this new 20-byte value and get a new hash
    - - Use this new hash to RC4 encrypt the interesting parts of the binary
    - - Apply an obfuscation layer using a 4-byte key (from /dev/urandom) embedded 
    in the encrypted file.
    When decrypting, the binary runs through the same process except it decrypts 
    data. Decrypted data is run through a SHA1, and the 4 first bytes of this 
    hash is compared to a value embedded in the binary, to avoid running junk 
    code in case the password is incorrect.
    The outer obfuscation layer and the debugger check (int 3 with signal handler) 
    is easily removed, but from that point on it's a question of finding a 
    160-bit key, which isn't really an option.
    I have still got some work left to do on this tool, looking for possible 
    backdoors/logic glitches, or keyspace limiting factors, but at the moment it 
    appears that burneye does the job it's intended to do.
    A memory dump would definitely help though, as there's no "on-demand" 
    encryption/decryption, and a working binary could be reconstructed from a 
    memory dump. But given only the binary I tend to belive It'll be very hard 
    getting past this one.
    - --Erik S. Johansen
    - -- 
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