RE: PDL anti-spam blacklist

From: Jonathan A. Zdziarski (jonathanat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 12:20:03 PST

  • Next message: james: "Re: Root password changed"

    I'm just jumping in on this topic, but my two cents:
    There are many lists that just have poor maintenance practices, period,
    and make it nearly impossible for even the little guy (let alone large
    corporations) to get off the list.  Take  Their
    "retest" email box requires you send an email from your mail server to
    get a retest (within about a week).  Well the problems with this is:
    1. Their server rejects email from blackholed hosts so you can't get it
    retested period.
    2. Even if you could, what if you are using some IP space from a
    previous customer who had a dialup pool and the whole pool is blocked?
    This list imparticular has remarks laced with anti-corporate remarks and
    any attempt to contact them will result in your email getting deleted
    (according to the blackhole list administrator) and can take up to a
    month (according to them) to get anywhere.
    IMHO any blackhole list needs to have fair and reasonable list
    management practices.  I personally feel adding dialup pools are
    ridiculous in the first place, but that's a little off topic.
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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