RE: IRC -> smtp worm?

From: Scott Phelps (scottpat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 09 2003 - 11:43:49 PST

  • Next message: Axel Beckert: "Re: Strange Apache logs - maybe DDOS?"

    	Several email viruses try to locate email addresses within text files on
    the victims computer, the viruses are usually not too bright when it comes
    to determining what is a valid email address. the @ sign followed by
    something with a dot in it was probably enough for this particular virus to
    identify that string as an email, and to attempt send a copy of itself
    Scott Phelps
    Dreamwright Studios
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Joao Gouveia [mailto:tharbadat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 9:37 PM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: IRC -> smtp worm?
    Hello list,
    Is anyone aware of some kind of IRC worm that uses SMTP servers to act
    as a spy client or something like that?
    While taking a look on a IDS log of a client, I saw several alerts that
    were triggered and classified as "IRC traffic" directed to a SMTP server
    on port 25. Nothing odd about that at a first glance, as it could be
    just a simple copy/paste of a IRC log sent via mail. But on this
    particular situation ( that is causing hundreds of alerts/day ), the
    format of the mail is everything but "normal".
    Here is a sample (IRC user data changed):
    HELO x4i8x4
    MAIL FROM: <>
    RCPT TO: <mask!__at_private PRIVMSG #channel :LOL>
    Obviously the server is responding with a "501 5.5.4 Invalid Address".
    Not that i consider this a serious issue ( from the server side of
    course ), but I'm curious on what's causing this behaviour.
    Sorry if this is a well known issue, but i've done a some what limited
    search and came up with nothing that applies.
    Joao Gouveia
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