Re: S4T4N1C Web Defacement

From: securityat_private
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 05:36:39 PST

  • Next message: Anthony Kim: "Re: ICMP Destination Unreachable, Administratively Prohibited"

    I found a couple cracking tutorials either written by this person, or
    someone using a similar alias (no number/letter swapping).  The e-mail
    address satanic.brainat_private is what was listed on the site, and they
    claim to be a part of the "4110 Cracking Group".
    > "Esteve Aqui" means "Was Here".
    > I did a quick search on them, and found
    >, which might be Cybers
    > Satans home page. I did not go deep -- it runs ActiveX (and I don't),
    > but the "Guest Book" has, as first entry "Sat4an1c Br41n". There it is
    > said he/she is 15 years old, and that he/she is the author of the web
    > ("foi eu que criei porra!" -- "was I that created dammit"). As far as
    > I can remember, the verb is slightly wrong...
    > Now, since it seems this web page is part of a free service provided
    > by, then you have one more Id to complain about --
    > brunoprat_private
    > Other entries show what might be a list of hacked pages, mostly
    > .gov.xx.
    > It is highly possible he/she is indeed 15 years old -- leaving traces
    > everywhere, valid e-mail addresses, etc. I do not know about Brazil's
    > laws on hacking, thou.
    > ..hggdh..
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