On Sat, 15 Feb 2003 23:02:48 -0500 "Rob Shein" <shotenat_private> wrote: > Ah, a honeypot...a good question comes to mind. Does anyone have any info > on what a Kuang2 backdoor looks like to a scanner? I'd rather not install > one myself and work to figure it out if anyone else has done the work > already... I just caught one on one of my /16 networks. I noticed the machine because it created several GB of IP Protocol 255 traffic last night aimed as a cablemodem. Here's what an NMAP of the machine looks like: (The 65528 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed) Port State Service (RPC) 80/tcp filtered http 135/tcp open loc-srv 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 445/tcp open microsoft-ds 1025/tcp open NFS-or-IIS 5000/tcp open UPnP 17300/tcp open unknown Remote OS guesses: Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Win 2000, or WinXP, MS Windows2000 Professional RC1/W2K Advance Server Beta3 It's definitely got Kuang2 on it: % telnet 128.101.X.Y 17300 Trying 128.101.X.Y... Connected to XXXXXXXXX.umn.edu. Escape character is '^]'. YOK2BENNY°ùR>õõwè >>6>ùR ûR$øw U÷wÿÿõõwÍõwõw-ww(üRwh% And, Nessus flags 17300/TCP as Kuang2. Grabbing some traffic to/from the machine, it appears to only be doing IRC at the moment: 11:45:44.910196 > XXXXXXXX.umn.edu.4171: P 1153785951:1153786075(124) ack 8633779 win 32120 (DF) 11:45:45.095084 XXXXXXXX.umn.edu.4171 > . ack 124 win 17209 (DF) 11:45:49.530129 > XXXXXXXX.umn.edu.4171: P 124:206(82) ack 1 win 32120 (DF) 11:45:49.705017 XXXXXXXX.umn.edu.4171 > . ack 206 win 17127 (DF) Dumping the TCP session shows traffic in the channel: :Nosibvyzt!~Nosibvyzt@pc1-nfds2-6-cust10.nott.cable.ntl.com JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :wolhglsli!~wolhglsliat_private QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)^M :Skrcgirl!~Skrcgirl@Morristown-68-118-83-195.chartertn.net JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Rbizcoced!~Rbizcoced@dhcp024-210-152-184.woh.rr.com QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Kadisfutr!~Kadisfutrat_private QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :mskspwn!~mskspwnat_private QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)^M :Woicdonic!~Woicdonic@usr3152-edi.blueyonder.co.uk JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :mlkaglali!~mlkaglaliat_private QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)^M :Rosjhgly!~Rosjhglyat_private JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Sscpceih!~Sscpceih@cable1-137.shenhgts.net JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Diencoke!~Diencokeat_private QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Mikemlyt!~Mikemlytat_private JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Kiwnpdti!~Kiwnpdti@12-252-81-85.client.attbi.com JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Mixeboyz!~Mixeboyz@c-97e472d5.038-85-73746f37.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Aglfsoush!~Aglfsoush@pm3-2-210.htg.net JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :rarmnyj!~rarmnyjat_private QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)^M :Migegtki!~Migegtkiat_private QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Niwfmlnep!~Niwfmlnepat_private-dialin.net QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :kirmrao!~kirmrao@user-1694.bbd18tcl.dsl.pol.co.uk QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Radicolwi!~Radicolwiat_private QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Rhcvmicha!~Rhcvmicha@HSE-London-ppp208618.sympatico.ca JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :radieilha!~radieilha@adsl-153-99-155.mia.bellsouth.net JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Oaycboy!~Oaycboy@CZ1-RAS-1-u-0078.du.onolab.com QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :garcpiche!~garcpiche@ASte-Genev-Bois-111-1-1-161.abo.wanadoo.fr QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Siepslu!~Siepslu@cable-213-132-151-242.upc.chello.be QUIT :Ping timeout: 600 seconds^M :Stmpsoueh!~Stmpsouehat_private-szeged.hu QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)^M :Siepslu!~Siepslu@cable-213-132-151-242.upc.chello.be JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :Tirxplt!~Tirxplt@ool-18bc17fc.dyn.optonline.net JOIN :#\xf1\xe0\xe9\xfc\xee\xe9\xf0\xecl^M :gagsiok!~gagsiok@AValence-101-2-1-139.abo.wanadoo.fr QUIT :Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)^M Looks like a bot net to me. Paul -- Paul Dokas dokasat_private ====================================================================== Don Juan Matus: "an enigma wrapped in mystery wrapped in a tortilla." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see: http://aris.securityfocus.com
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