Re: Web Defacement

From: Alberto Cozer (acozerat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 10:56:25 PST

  • Next message: Paul Dokas: "Re: Kuang2 strikes again, is it just me?"

    Although we do not have laws regarding specifically "hacking
    activities" in Brazil, we do have laws against break-ins, information
    theft and information damage. Of course no one will be prosecuted if
    your website was defaced but if you can prove that this defacement has
    been the cause of financial losses for your company you can suit the
    hacker that have defaced your website in order to make he pay for it.
    The main problem in a lawsuit regarding hacking activities is making
    the court accept the evidences. Logs can be forged.
    Best regards,
    Alberto Cozer
    Security Outsource Manager, Future Technologies Digital Security
    IBM Certified AIX System Specialist
    Checkpoint Certified Security Expert, CCSE NG
                          Ricardo Castanho de                                                                                                 
                          Oliveira Freitas            To:       Michel Angelo da Silva Pereira <michelpereiraat_private>, HggdH          
                          <rfreitas@english-qu         <hggdhat_private>                                                                      
                >                 cc:       Incidents <incidentsat_private>                                       
                                                      Subject:  Re:  Web Defacement                                                           
                          14/02/2003 09:50                                                                                                    
    On Qui 13 Fev 2003 20:58, Michel Angelo da Silva Pereira wrote:
    Sorry to correct you but... being Brazilian also... I think I can!
    (being a ex- LDP-br translator I can tell that!)
    The original translation for the word "porra" is correct! Don't forget
    Your translation will work out as an interjection, like those that you
    when you step on dog "doo-doo" (easily found on streets! ;-)
    Your mileage may vary, though! ;-)
    So, the defacer's English is right!   Not his behaviour though....
    According to our legislation the great difference is that we don't
    "need" to
    have a specific law for electronic crimes, the closest match will do!
    As well as jurisprudence! Which at times is much 'stronger than the
    Meanwhile.... our legislators are working on a "more specific"  code!
    As long damage (of any kind) and losses are implied... the "generic
    (law).... will do the job!
    IANAL, though!
    Ricardo Castanho
    > Here on Brazil we dosen't have laws about hacking, there is one
    > on our congress to be approved, only problems with Credit Cards are
    > investigated.
    >            And the translation of the word "porra" is "shit" on
    > Bye
    > HggdH wrote:
    > > "Esteve Aqui" means "Was Here".
    > > I did a quick search on them, and found
    > >, which might be Cybers
    > > home page. I did not go deep -- it runs ActiveX (and I don't), but
    > > "Guest Book" has, as first entry "Sat4an1c Br41n". There it is
    > > he/she is 15 years old, and that he/she is the author of the web
    ("foi eu
    > > que criei porra!" -- "was I that created dammit"). As far as I can
    > > remember, the verb is slightly wrong...
    > > Now, since it seems this web page is part of a free service
    provided by
    > >, then you have one more Id to complain about --
    > > brunoprat_private
    > > Other entries show what might be a list of hacked pages, mostly
    > > It is highly possible he/she is indeed 15 years old -- leaving
    > > everywhere, valid e-mail addresses, etc. I do not know about
    > > laws on hacking, thou.
    > > ..hggdh..
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