Re: Scans on TCP port 135

From: Dave Aitel (daveat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 14:00:59 PST

  • Next message: Patrick R. Sweeney: "Re: Weird Profile in Documents and Settings"

    Yeah, actually, they probably arn't trying to exploit that. In fact,
    SecurityFocus is a little confused about the difference between that and
    my new DoS's, (plonk and the netbios kernel leak), which are 2 other
    completely different things.
    There's no point in scanning for them though. If you were going to use
    them, you'd just use them. :>
    On 20 Feb 2003 21:12:04 -0000
    Kevin Patz <jambo_catat_private> wrote:
    > Starting in late October 2002, I've been seeing 
    > occasional scans on TCP port 135 on my box.  I also 
    > see UDP scans on this port, and I know these are 
    > Windows Messenger spam attempts, but I am wondering 
    > what the TCP scans are for.
    > Could they be attempting to exploit 
    > this: "Vulnerability: RPC Service DoS (port 135/tcp) 
    > on Windows 2000 SP3" which I read about here: 
    > Is it this, or could it be something else?  Is it 
    > possible to send Messenger spam via TCP/135?
    >   KJP
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > -------
    > Do you know the base address of the Global Offset Table (GOT) on a
    > Solaris 8 box?
    > CORE IMPACT does.
    Do you know the base address of the Global Offset Table (GOT) on a Solaris 8
    CORE IMPACT does.

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