Re: The Return of Code Red II?

From: Kevin Patz (jambo_catat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 11:41:38 PST

  • Next message: Roger Thompson: "Re: The Return of Code Red II?"

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    In-Reply-To: <F147gMNSK39n0VjyLHX0002e26eat_private>
    I'm seeing CR/CRII-looking scans today too.  Mostly 
    from one or two IPs right now.  I'm on a ATTBI (now 
    Comcast) cable modem with a 24.62.x.x IP address and 
    most of my scans are coming from another, single 
    24.62.x.x address.  I have seen some scans from other 
    networks as well, such as a 24.117.x.x, and a 
    61.182.x.x.  I've seen 7 CRII-like scans today so 
    far.  I differentiate between CR/CRII and Nimda by the 
    number of connection attempts by one IP/source port 
    (since I deny SYN packets):  2 attempts signifies 
    Nimda, 3 signifies CR/CRII, so it's possible that 
    something else that makes 3 attempts on port 80 could 
    be misinterpreted by my script as CRII.
    If I recall correctly CRII would reboot the host 
    anytime during 10/01 or anytime in 2002, but I don't 
    recall any mention of this happening beyond 2002, so 
    it's possible that it could spread again.
    I tried connecting to two of the scanning IPs with 
    lynx; one returned a 500 Server error; the other 
    returned a PWS 4.0 home page, so if it's an unpatched 
    IIS box it could be infected with CRII.
    >From: "Stan Burditzman" <slidefx2at_private>
    >To: incidentsat_private
    >Subject: The Return of Code Red II?
    >Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2003 11:24:09 -0600
    >Is anyone else seeing traffic generated by Code Red 
    II.  I thought it wasn't 
    >supposed to propagate after 10/01?
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