Re: Anyone know this tool?

From: Jason Falciola (falciolaat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 29 2003 - 11:24:22 PDT

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    From <>:
    The selection of potential target IP addresses follows these rough 
    50% of the time, an address with the same first two octets will be chosen 
    25% of the time, an address with the same first octet will be chosen 
    25% of the time, a random address will be chosen 
    So some netblocks will be more likely to see larger quantities of Nimda 
    than others, based on how bad the infestation is among your "neighbors". 
    However, due to the random scanning 25% of the time, everyone is targeted 
    If you've made some network changes (new ISP, new IP range, etc.) or are 
    monitoring a new segment, you may be seeing more Nimda traffic, and 
    perhaps you're noticing patterns that went undetected before.
    There have been instances of scanners written specifically to emulate 
    Nimda in an attempt to escape detection, based on the assumption that 
    analysts have become used to seeing such traffic and disregard it.  This 
    was discovered because active fingerprinting of the sources showed a *nix 
    based OS rather than Microsoft.
    Passive fingerprinting might help determine if this is genuine Nimda 
    traffic, but we'd need full packet logs for that.  The timestamps were in 
    line with what you'd expect from Nimda.
    However, if the source is in the same /8 or /16 as the destination, I'd 
    say it's likely Nimda.
    Jason Falciola
    Security Intelligence Analyst
    IBM Managed Security Services
    Danny <dannyat_private>
    07/29/2003 01:10 PM
            To:     Jason Falciola/Sterling Forest/IBM@IBMUS
            cc:     incidentsat_private
            Subject:        Re: Anyone know this tool?
    hrm ok, I'm going to crawl back into my hole now :)
    I'm kind of confused as to why i haven't see any  of these patterns 
    before the last 2 days though, Oh well.
    Thanks guys.

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