Re: RPC DCOM exploit

From: wirepair (wirepairat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 11:32:37 PDT

  • Next message: Michael.Washingtonat_private: "Re: WORM_MIMAIL.A Anyone have any info on what this does yet?"

    I've tested 4 different boxes with different sp's / xp and i've never had it reboot ever since i found/changed to use a universal 
    offset, why this is i'm not sure, but everyone else appears to have machines reboot.
    On Fri, 01 Aug 2003 12:51:21 -0400
      Barry Fitzgerald <bkfsecat_private> wrote:
    >As an FYI:
    >I've recently been testing dcom.c for pen testing on my network and the Windows 2000 SP3 and SP4 boxes that I was able to 
    >penetrate did not reboot after exiting from the shell.  I was using  the dcom.c that  H D Moore released (Based on Flasksky's 
    >code) via a cygwin environment.  Therefore, not having the system reboot, in my mind, is not a sign that an exploit did not take 
    >Now, there could be a matrix of different patch levels that could cause the system to reboot or not reboot.  Who knows why we're 
    >getting different results...
    >Is anyone else on the list seeing that at least some of their target systems are not rebooting after executing this code?
    >       -Barry
    >morning_wood wrote:
    >>could be...  but .. they are two seperate issues,
    >>if the box rebooted its a sign it was rpc-dcom, if not.. proally just a
    >>----- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Fry" <pafat_private>
    >>To: <incidentsat_private>
    >>Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:54 AM
    >>Subject: RPC DCOM exploit
    >>>We had what looks like an exploit for this vulnerability go around our
    >>>office network and only one machine was (seriously) affected.  Somone
    >>>managed to get the machine to start spamming random IPs with what looked
    >>>like the exploit, sending out about 700 RPC pings per second.  About the
    >>>same time, we had a NET SEND
    >>>message pop up on our windows boxen advertizing
    >>>Could this be a new tactic to propigate their spamulous message prompts?
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