
From: Lee Evans (leeat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 03:50:13 PDT

  • Next message: Levinson, Karl: "RE: Dig in: autorooter, maybe that IRC one but SAV doesnt pick it up."

    Hi All,
    I have found an executable called secure.dcom.exe when looking around a
    customers server. They hadnt patched the server above SP4 and I assume it
    has been exploited using the RPC DCOM vulnerability. A serv-u ftp server has
    been installed, but im still looking into it to see if I can spot anything
    else. Netstat shows a bunch of outgoing connections to 6667 - Unfortunately there are no IDS or other systems on this
    network segment I can use, so im looking for someway to capture this traffic
    and hopefully track down some more details on the irc traffic - if anyone
    can recommend a good (preferably free) traffic sniffer I can quickly install
    on the host locally (win2k sp4) to decode the IRC traffic I would be
    The exe is available from - if
    anyone wants a look. I'd be interested to know more about it, if anyone has
    come across it before or can find out.
    Lee Evans

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