Tools for monitoring port scans / connection attmempts?

From: steveat_private
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 11:47:34 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan Bloomquist: "RE: MSBLASTER Infecting despite 03-026 patch?"

      I see a lot of people upon this list able to keep records
     of increases in port scans over time.
      For example it's common for a post to come through from a
     member asking about new scans on port foo - and a reply coming
     back saying "yes seen xxx of those since the 1st of xxx".
      Can I ask what software are you using to record these logs?
      I know that some firewall systems, like ipchains, or iptables
     will allow logs to be generated to syslog.  However these are
     not terribly interesting to read - and they are hard to keep
     track of.
      I'm using a homebrewed system where I have a perl script
     capturing packets dumping source ip+port and destination ip+port
     to a database.  This way I can produce pretty graphs showing
     scans of particular ports over time.
      (I'd  be happy to release it if theres any interest).

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