Re: rpc dcom worm and windowsupdate

From: Steffen Kluge (klugeat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 17:45:18 PDT

  • Next message: Shalla: "Re: MSBlast and other known exploits.."

    On Wed, 2003-08-13 at 19:03, Oliver.Gruskovnjakat_private wrote:
    > Ok our company is owned by the msblaster worm, now we would like to keep the
    > ddos attack under control.
    > Our Idea is, that we can make that one of our proxies will identify himself
    > as
    If you use proxies for web access and mandate the use of proxies by all 
    internal clients on the Internet firewall then the DDOS attack won't
    make it out. The worm wouldn't know about using a proxy, it'll try to go
    out directly.
    If your proxying is done transparently (client's *think* they talk to 
    the remote web server, but the firewall redirects their requests to a 
    proxy) then the proxy server itself will be subjected to the SYN flood 
    attack. It won't make outbound connections to until 
    after it has read the client's request. This obviously implies a 
    successful TCP handshake with the client, and SYN flood attacks are 
    based around not completing this handshake.
    Hence, unless you allow outbound HTTP connections from Internal systems
    other than proxies you needn't worry about DOSing MS. Your proxies
    don't run W2K or XP, now do they?

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