Can anyone identify this possible backdoor?

From: Greg Owen (gowen-incidentsat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 22 2003 - 08:18:04 PDT

  • Next message: Vinny Bedus: "Trojan?"

    Investigating a machine which is spewing SoBig.F and may be compromised, 
    I'm seeing the following response on port 2001/tcp:
    % nc 2001
    > Unrecognized command or Invalid argument received
    % nc 2001
    <helo> Unrecognized command or Invalid argument received
    Google doesn't uncover anything with that error string, and there are more 
    possible uses for port 2001 than a dog has fleas.  Does anyone recognize 
    what this listener might be?
    I don't have physical access to the box, unfortunately, as that would make 
    this much easier to ID.
    	gowen -- Greg Owen -- gowen-incidentsat_private
    	79A7 4063 96B6 9974 86CA  3BEF 521C 860F 5A93 D66D
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