lame web site up

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 16:34:09 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "Re: A Comment from User Space"

    I've put up the latest patches and a quick hack at the website at:
    There's also anonymous bitkeeper access to the whole tree if people
    really want to use it (and you can browse the tree if you just want to
    see the specific changes made.)
    Personally I don't think we need any external source code repository
    just yet.  Patches work great, even on projects much bigger than this.
    I know lots of people emailed me personally about cvs, but again, I
    don't think even bitkeeper access is necessary yet (we use it
    internally, and I think it is exponentially more powerful than cvs, so
    that's why I'm pushing it a bit.  It also makes resyncs with the
    released Linus trees _much_ easier than cvs.)
    The patches are still small, and easy to sync on.  I also haven't
    refused _any_ suggestions or patches sent by anyone yet :)
    If anyone has any problems with the site, or you want to argue source
    code repository products (offline of course), please let me know.
    greg k-h
    linux-security-module mailing list

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