Re: A Comment from User Space

From: David Wagner (dawat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 16:49:19 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "Re: A Comment from User Space"

    Steve Beattie  wrote:
    >It seems unlikely to me that using /proc or a private fs can NOT be
    The important question is not whether it is slower.  The real question
    is whether it is too slow.  Those are *very* different questions.
    The latter can only be settled with measurements.  (Note that even a
    1ms overhead per user-kernel interaction might be perfectly acceptable
    if it is only called 10 times/second.)  And if we want to present the
    most compelling case possible to Linus and linux-kernel, I suggest
    that it is in our interests to have our ducks in order first.
    (Note also that I explained how to avoid doing an open() on every /proc
    call: If you call open("/proc/whatever") once, and cache the fd, then
    you can ensure that each call to the module only has to use a single
    write(), amortizing the cost of the open() across all such interactions.
    But again, without measurements, it is hard to know whether this is even
    needed in practice.)
    linux-security-module mailing list

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