Re: My patch

From: Titus D. Winters (titusat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 22 2001 - 09:01:02 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: My patch"

    > Titus, I'd like to hold off on this patch as it stands.  Often our hook
    > placement is after the DAC logic precisely so that the security module
    > knows that the DAC logic has already been satisfied, that way it doesn't
    > need to repeat those checks.  Casey and crew from SGI are putting together
    > a proposal for auditing hooks.  I'd like to see how their hooks may
    > satifisfy your needs.  If not, we can look at other alternatives (like
    > Wagner proposed).
    I understand the logic behind it, and from a general standpoint I can't
    argue with you at all.  Takes a bit of tweaking to get the hook logic
    safely in front of the DAC logic, and is probably unnecessary in most
    Still, it's the only way that we can get done what we need.  I'm fairly
    reserved to the fact that it isn't going to be accepted this way (I was
    actually fairly surprised when initially it was said that supporting
    honeypots would be something we should shoot for), but I must admit that
    I'm a bit dissapointed.  Auditing checks isn't enough, we need to make
    sure that the existence of some files is not betrayed, and that requires
    things to be done in this slightly backwards fashion.
    I'll hang around and lurk for a while, to see if things move to a paradigm
    that can support this (which I'll certainly voice my support for) but
    otherwise I guess I'm going to have to do the nasty and just be using a
    kernel patch.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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