Problems with 2.4.6-lsm on SMP

From: Alexander Reelsen (alexat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 19 2001 - 10:44:35 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "Re: Problems with 2.4.6-lsm on SMP"

    Hi folks
    I just wanted to test the current lsm patch against 2.4.6 on my SMP
    workstation. However this failed miserably, I was even unable to execute
    an "ls" command.
    I've read about SMP problems, but didn't think they're that hard. It might
    be, that I've done some silly mistake I shouldn't have done, when doing
    the kernel configuration. Is there anything that must be turned on or off?
    I've put an strace output of ls, along with the kernel error message and
    the dmesg output after booting the system on
    for those, who are interested. I am everything but a kernel debugging
    god (if I get help, that might change ;))...
    MfG/Regards, Alexander
    Alexander Reelsen
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