Re: quotactl hook

From: jmjonesat_private
Date: Thu Sep 06 2001 - 12:45:32 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Intrusion Detection Through Pattern Recognition (was: quotactl hook)"

    On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > jmjonesat_private wrote:
    > JMJ:  you've been hinting at your world-conquering LSM module for a 
    > while, but never told us what it is.  DO you have an access control 
    > reason to want FDs?  If so, please share it, and you may get them.
    World-Conquering?  Not a chance.  Market Niche Conquering... I certainly
    HOPE so.
    In a hard technical sense, no.  FD's index applications' access and are a
    quick way to organize information about a specific application's access
    over it's lifetime.  I'd thought I'd said that they were "useful to me",
    not project-altering important.  Just got "warmed up" in my rant.
    What I'd thought I'd said was that application specified filenames are
    critical to me.  The absolute filename is useful, but doesn't help me
    evaluate access in the way which I am trying to accomplish, which is to
    create signatures that suggest a "pattern of thinking" by the exploit
    coder, and use (what the industry tends to think of as AI but I think of
    more as a probability/typicality filtering system) to identify and contain
    tasks that should be watched, and "score" them, providing clues to the
    admin about both the internal user and externally introduced applications. 
    I believe this method can be used to contain a "family" of exploits (for
    example, the Li0n family), rather than forcing a constant track of every
    possible exploit.
    My project is aimed at "co-operative security" and, more accurately, at
    security mechanisms that combine software AND admin-oversite solutions. 
    Audit is a basic step in this direction, and I want to take a few more
    FD's help because they help build a tree for application groups.  Also,
    I'm convinced that it's trivial to maintain an index of FD's vs. original 
    filenames in 2.4... but the talk about 2.5 (future) is reassuring to me 
    that the difficulty level of acquiring this information may drop,
    I know, I know, "big talk without specifics", but I'm pursuing a
    commercial path here and can only speak generally.
    I don't want to open the FD can-of-worms, I just want the module to have a
    ready mechanism to couple *requested-filename* with *absolute-filename*
    with task id.  It is somewhat useful to know if the FD is 0, 1, or 2
    ... and, even more remotely, to know the way the application opens
    and builds its accesses (FD 25 has 24 clues before it.) Beyond that, I
    care little about a few lines in a POSIX spec.  That's for other
    Short form: I can live without FD's by adding some small patches myself,
    but, since other needs have interest in FD's, I don't see a large reason 
    not to encorporate them in LSM, except in the sense of a "a thousand tiny
    patches end up a big mess and we'll get rejected."  Not a bad
    counter-argument. :)
    > Crispin
    > -- 
    > Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    > Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    > Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    > Available for purchase:
    Thanks for Asking,
    J. Melvin Jones
    ||  J. MELVIN JONES            jmjonesat_private 
    ||  Microcomputer Systems Consultant  
    ||  Software Developer
    ||  Web Site Design, Hosting, and Administration
    ||  Network and Systems Administration
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