Re: GPL only usage of security.h

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Sun Sep 23 2001 - 19:53:55 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: GPL only usage of security.h"

    On Sun, Sep 23, 2001 at 08:21:38PM -0600, Kurt Seifried wrote:
    > The only people I can think of might be the Argus-Pitbull
    Legally, if they modify the kernel right now, they have to release their
    code, but I haven't seen their product to know if this is true or not.
    Does anyone who has looked at Argus-Pitbull know if they modify the
    kernel or not?
    greg k-h
    linux-security-module mailing list

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