Re: unresolved symbol sys_newstat

From: Niki Rahimi (narahimiat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 05 2002 - 12:03:14 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Wright: "[ANNOUNCE] 2.4.18-lsm3"

    Chris Wright wrote:
    >* Chris Wright (chrisat_private) wrote:
    >> * Niki Rahimi (narahimiat_private) wrote:
    >> > Hi Everyone,
    >> >       I was wondering if any of you have utilized the syscall
    >> > in the 2.4.17 kernel. I have utilized in an LSM I'm creating and have
    >> > no troubles with make modules and make modules_install. Upon the
    insmod, I
    >> > get the following error message "unresolved symbol sys_newstat". I've
    >> > tried this on sys_stat (both calls are defined in
    >> These are system calls.  Making system calls from modules is seldom the
    >> right thing to do.  What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
    I see. I am working on getting an LSM version of the Stephanie TPE(Trusted
    Path Execution) project. See for more info. It was
    originally written as a kernel patch for OpenBSD 2.4. I was trying to use
    the stat functionality to get the attributes of a file's parent directory
    before any execution call is allowed to proceed. I'll use this information
    in a TPE function that will determine whether the directory is root owned
    and/or group or world writeable and return a denial/access value to be
    evaluated within the LSM framework. The stat functions make this a pretty
    trivial task. I'm open to any suggestions you all might have on this one.
    >sorry, forgot to mention, the reason you're getting the error is because
    >the symbol sys_newstat is not exported (via EXPORT_SYMBOL).  this is
    >intentional, btw ;-)
    I see. Thanks especially for that. I wasn't sure if I missed it somewhere
    in the bowels of the kernel.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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