Re: Willing to change LSM so secondary defaults correct

From: Greg KH (gregat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 14:30:24 PST

  • Next message: dwheelerat_private: "Having trouble setting up 2.5.52-lsm1... suggestions?"

    On Thu, Dec 26, 2002 at 09:23:17PM -0800, Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > >> 3. capabilities + OWLSM + MAC: where "MAC" is one of SELinux, LIDS,
    > >>    DTE, or SubDomain, etc. Users taking active steps to enhance
    > >>    security with MAC.
    > >>   
    > >>
    > >And playing with fire.  Who's going to ever agree to say that their
    > >module will work just fine stacking with an unknown list of other
    > >modules.
    > >
    > Who said "unknown"? It is intended to be a known set of modules.  The 
    > "etc." above is intended to say that the set of MAC vendors is not a 
    > closed club.
    Ah, I did not get the "known" part from your comment, my mistake.
    > >And who would really want that speed hit on their machine :)
    > >
    > Can you substantiate that? The MAC modules have a known cost, and the 
    > OWLSM module is close to performance-neutral. Why should stacking all 
    > this up cause a performance hit?
    Have people run benchmarks on the OWLSM module?  I didn't realize this.
    The last time I looked at the "stacking module" it looked like it had
    the potential to greatly slow down things, but running real benchmarks
    would be the only way to tell this.
    greg k-h
    linux-security-module mailing list

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