Re: checking exec

From: Stephen Smalley (sdsat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 11:51:29 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen Smalley: "Re: sys_security() status ?"

    On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 14:40, Brian Pontz wrote:
    > I have a bunch of directories all owned by the same
    > uid and all the same perms.
    > /home/users/web/user1
    > /home/users/web/user2
    > Is there a way to audit execs with LSM so that files
    > in /home/users/web/user1/* can be exec'd but
    > /home/users/web/users2/* can not be? 
    > I was thinking along the lines of having a hash and
    > everytime a file is exec'd I would check the hash and
    > see if the directory was in the hash. 
    You can use one of the existing access control modules (DTE, SELinux,
    ...) to achieve this goal; just assign different security types to the
    directories and their files and then define your security policy
    configuration accordingly.
    Stephen Smalley <sdsat_private>
    National Security Agency
    linux-security-module mailing list

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