Clarifications of LSM API

From: Andrew E. Ruder (aeruder@private)
Date: Sun Jun 27 2004 - 16:58:24 PDT

  • Next message: China@private: "China Lighting Express 26th Issue of 2004"

    I was looking at the possibility of writing a module to handle
     a new ACL-like permissions scheme.  However, it seems to me 
    that the posix-style permissions always take precendence, and 
    in order to really make this work I would have to chmod 777 
    all my files and use the modules to take away permissions.
    Am I way off base here or can the modules only be used to take
     away permissions and not to add permissions from the 
    traditional unix permissions scheme?
    Thanks, hopefully some of this made sense,
    Andrew Ruder
    P.S. I am not on the list so please CC: any replies to
    my address. Thanks again.
    Andrew E. Ruder

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