[logs] RE: Bug in swatch throttle code

From: Crow, Owen (Owen_Crowat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 10 2003 - 09:09:03 PST

  • Next message: Bennett Todd: "Re: [logs] Trial SELP client implementation"

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Jeremy Mates [mailto:jmatesat_private]
    > * Crow, Owen <Owen_Crowat_private> [2003-01-07T14:52-0800]:
    > > Which version of swatch are you using and have you applied 
    > any patches?
    > No patches I know of.
    > $ swatch --version
    > This is swatch version 3.0.4
    > Built on 11/5/2001
    > Built by E. Todd Atkins <Todd.Atkinsat_private>
    > $ openssl md5 < /usr/bin/swatch
    > 1e3d115fdbad9f62269b0d80408ba6d5
    My copy matches both of these.
    > > I've tried using swatch 3.0.4 with and without the patches at
    > > http://plaza8.mbn.or.jp/~yswww/myself/swatch-en.html, but I can't
    > > get throttle to work as advertised.  It stops floods of messages,
    > > but after the throttle timeout, it will not show more messages of
    > > the same type, ever.
    > Hmmm, may have never noticed that behaviour.  Testing...
    > Feeding a generic fatal error to trigger the swatch daemon watching
    > the "everything" log over the last few minutes has resulted in three
    > messages thus far, the initial report plus two "X messages in the last
    > 10 minutes: blah."
    I'm still having the problem which I will show below.  My swatchrc file:
    [root@hostname root]# cat swatchrc-20030108
    watchfor = /\[\*\*\]/
            echo random
            mail addresses=address\@com.com,subject=NIDS
    Since I started swatch this morning, this is all I have received:
    [root@hostname root]# date;/usr/bin/swatch --config-file swatchrc-20030108
    --tail-file /var/log/snort/alert.fast
    Fri Jan 10 08:51:01 CST 2003
    *** swatch-3.0.4 (pid:7876) started at Fri Jan 10 08:51:02 CST 2003
    01/10/03-08:28:49.479388  [**] [111:9:1] (spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY
    (NULL scan) detection [**] {TCP} ->
    And I have received one email message:
    01/10/03-08:28:49.479388  [**] [111:9:1] (spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY
    (NULL scan) detection [**] {TCP} ->
    Both of the above come from the last message in the file since swatch
    appears to start tailing with a "tail -1f".
    If I grep the log file for strings matching "[Priority: 1]" since the start
    time of swatch, there are two lines:
    [root@hostname snort]# tail -1f alert.fast
    01/10/03-08:28:49.479388  [**] [111:9:1] (spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY
    (NULL scan) detection [**] {TCP} ->
    01/10/03-10:18:33.495630  [**] [111:9:1] (spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY
    (NULL scan) detection [**] {TCP} ->
    01/10/03-10:26:54.709144  [**] [1:688:4] MS-SQL sa login failed [**]
    [Classification: Unsuccessful User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
    01/10/03-10:29:05.787456  [**] [111:9:1] (spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY
    (NULL scan) detection [**] {TCP} ->
    01/10/03-10:31:00.325988  [**] [111:9:1] (spp_stream4) STEALTH ACTIVITY
    (NULL scan) detection [**] {TCP} ->
    01/10/03-10:43:28.776502  [**] [1:688:4] MS-SQL sa login failed [**]
    [Classification: Unsuccessful User Privilege Gain] [Priority: 1] {TCP} ->
    By my count, I should have received an echo and an email for each one of
    these messages in the logs (6 total) because they occurred more than 30
    seconds apart.  If I'm mistaken in what "00:30" means, and it's 30 minutes
    instead, I should have received about 3 or 4 of each.
    Am I missing some syntax issue or something?  I am running on a fully
    patched Redhat 7.2 system.
    Owen Crow
    Systems Programmer (Unix)
    BMC Software, Inc.
    LogAnalysis mailing list

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