[PEN-TEST] infrared question

From: Oliver Petruzel (opetruzelat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 16 2001 - 23:20:31 PDT

  • Next message: Batten, Gerald: "Re: [PEN-TEST] Web site password guessing over SSL"

    I was thinking about the following question and wanted to throw it to
    the wolves for input:
    Is it possible to code a pocket pc or similar infrared app which
    sends/recieves without anouncing itself by opening a dialog on the
    target system?  In other words:
    Scenerio A:
    Upon entering a briefing/meeting, one could run this app, set his device
    down directly across the table from someone else's system (target) and
    send/receive data without the target owner noticing?
    Has something like this been coded? Puclically?  Are there mechanisms
    within palm os/windows to prevent this? If so, what are they?
    Oliver Petruzel
    Systems Engineer, Eastern Region
    Entercept Security Technologies
    Work: (703)250-3280
    Cell: (703)608-8250
    Home: (703)250-1059
    Personal Email: opetruzelat_private
    Business Email: opetruzelat_private

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