Re: How secure are dongles for copy-protection?

From: Victor A. Rodriguez (
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 20:19:59 PDT

  • Next message: shampsterat_private: "Re: How secure are dongles for copy-protection?"

    Hi Harold and all,
    The following message was sent by "Harold Thimm" <haroldthimmat_private>
    on Mon, 04 Jun 2001 19:43:35 -0000:
    > I'm looking for any information on incorporating dongles into a 
    > software package for copy protection. In particular, I'm looking for 
    > information on the Rainbow Technologies Sentinel, but advice on 
    > dongle-based copy protection in general is appreciated.
    OK, you asked for it ... if you take a look at "The futility of digital
    copy prevention" (
    you'll have a look at it.
    > How easy/difficult is it to break this kind of copy-protection? 
    > Are there any known weaknesses in the dongle-type systems themselves 
    > (as opposed to implementation weaknesses?) 
    One thing that can be done is look at the dongle as a black box, monitor
    the answers to the stimuli, and build a software piece that can trap
    these stmuli and perform like the dongle (just a thought).
    BTW, have you made a search in or any other
    search engine ?? Perhaps using "dongle" or "copy protection" you'll have
    some good look.
    Victor A. Rodriguez (
    El bit Fantasma (Bit-Man)
    "aMail: a lot of fun in a bunch of Perl scripts"

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