RE: Is ipchains -y secure enough?

From: Golden_Eternity (bhodiat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 05 2001 - 00:23:49 PDT

  • Next message: renato.ettisbergerat_private: "Re:IIS & w2k"

    Be sure that the system is set to assemble fragmented packets. I don't know
    if ipchains in particular is vulnerable to that problem, but I have heard of
    other cases where it was possible to fragment a packet so that the TCP flags
    weren't interpreted by the firewall and allowed to pass through.
    Also, before you use '! -y', be sure you understand what it does. Since -y
    triggers on packets that contain a syn and not ack or fin, the opposite of
    that is a packet that contains fin and ack but not syn.
    iptables provides much more control over the flags that trigger a rule, but
    its still fairly new so that may or may not be an option for you.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Philip Stoev [mailto:philipat_private]
    > Subject: Is ipchains -y secure enough?
    > Excuse me for the ignorance, but I would like to ask if the community
    > considers ipchains rules containing the -y flag as secure for
    > the purpose of
    > TCP filtering. Such a rule will prevent the stablishment of
    > TCP connections
    > to the host being firewalled. Is there a way to curcumvent such a
    > protection?

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