Re: SAP Security

From: mhtat_private
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 09:04:59 PDT

  • Next message: John.Curranat_private: "RE: VLAN Issue"

    SAP Weaknesses can be found if exposed to the Internet, can be exploited 
    through the HTML, SOAP, XML, Java front ends.  Some of the SAP modules also 
    do not have inherent security schemes.. In fact, many SAP implementations 
    do not implement security since it  becomes an undaunting task when various 
    SAP modules are customized.  There have been very few reported SAP security 
    vulnerabilities since major organizations do not want to hear that their 1 
    -2 billion investment has some major security vulnerabilities.  Each 
    component of SAP are just as vulnerable since implementing SAP requires 
    layering of typically off the shelf hardware and software.
    At 01:28 PM 6/13/2001 +0200, Johann van Duyn wrote:
    >Hi there...
    >I'm planning to run a lightweight internal penetration test against some of
    >our servers, and have run into a snag: security information on WinNT, Unix,
    >Oracle, etc. is quite easy to find, but I am struggling to find anything
    >good on SAP R/3. Most of the stuff is very vague, or refers to securing
    >network transmissions against eavesdropping.
    >Anyone have any real information on SAP security, especially weaknesses?
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