Re: SAP Security

From: Rainer Duffner (
Date: Wed Jun 13 2001 - 17:20:35 PDT

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    On Wed, 13 Jun 2001, Johann van Duyn wrote:
    > Hi there...
    > I'm planning to run a lightweight internal penetration test against some of
    > our servers, and have run into a snag: security information on WinNT, Unix,
    > Oracle, etc. is quite easy to find, but I am struggling to find anything
    > good on SAP R/3. Most of the stuff is very vague, or refers to securing
    > network transmissions against eavesdropping.
    > Anyone have any real information on SAP security, especially weaknesses?
    > :-)
    I found this some time ago, the content seems to move on and off to
    different sites. A good opportunity to save it to HD...
    The text is German, but mentions a "SAP Security Guide" , which is hopefully
    available in other languages.
     Rainer Duffner , Konstanz, Germany

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