Fwd: Re: spoofing techniques

Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 09:33:23 PDT

  • Next message: Ryan Permeh: "Re: win2k pentest - what can i do?"

    Just FYI
       Using ACL's does limit the information you get to the Syslog server compared to what you would get using Conduits.  Cisco was supposed to be working on a fix for it.  On Revisions of code before 5.3.1 you would just get Protocol XX (ie 6,17,1) and no port..  At least after 5.3.1 you get TCP,UDP...  I have contacted Cisco several times on this issue and I get the "Next Release" responce :)  Anyone know if this is fixed in 6.0?
    Mike D'Onofrio
    > Our PIX does not indicate source or destination ports 
    > perhaps because the "IP spoof" criteria was already 
    > triggered in its logic chain, denying the packet and 
    > making a syslog entry.
    It's been my experience that the PIX will not provide port information if
    the packet is blocked by an ACL.  However, it *will* provide port
    information if the packet is blocked because there is no "conduit"
    allowing the traffic.
    I'm not sure if the spoof detection mechanism supercedes this.
    Hope this helps.
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