Re: win2k pentest - what can i do?

From: John Tannahill (jtannahiat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 09:12:59 PDT

  • Next message: MIKE DONOFRIO: "Fwd: Re: spoofing techniques"

    > I have successfully got Administrator privelages,
    but only at a pseudo-dos-prompt...  Is there anything i can do to get
    graphical abillities, since windows is basically useless without just
    Don't agree with this statement since there are plently of command-line
    based utilities that are useful:
    - other net commands (net use, start /stop services)
    - telnet (you can start the win2k telnet server)
    - ftp
    - tftp client to obtain programs of your choice from your machine
    - netcat
    To answer your question re gui access (it depends what you want to do):
    - Map network drive (c$, d$ etc) and use explorer
    - Use MMC Win2k Admin Tools
    - Use MMC IIS Admin (if web/ftp service is running)
    - Start win2k terminal server if service is installed
    - Use Frontpage 2000 for IIS admin
    - Remotely install VNC and run for full remote control
    - If Active Directory is available - use ldp.exe for enumeration
    - If pcanywhere or controlit are installed - obtain client, start service
    - If it is running on Compaq - try Compaq Insight Manager web interface
    - If SQL Server or Oracle is running - try respective clients
    First step would be to enunmerate services and go from there. But again,
    what is the objective????
    To name but a few.
    Regards, J
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