RE: Dsniff'ng wireless networks

From: Matthew Jach (jachat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 09:50:25 PDT

  • Next message: Jon Larimer: "RE: Dsniff'ng wireless networks"

    Ok - so this is a little off topic but I just thought I'd throw it out
    there.  It's an old discussion we've had before regarding using dsniff on
    saved pcap files...
    Well, it was much easier than I though. Sometimes it is useful
    to be able to apply to lovely methods available in dsniff to
    a saved pcap file.
    Since dsniff uses libnids for all its sniffing needs, and libnids
    uses libpcap, building dsniff with a slightly altered libnids will
    allow dsniff to specify a file instead of an interface.
    The diff in libnids is simply:
    <   if ((desc = pcap_open_live(device, 16384, nids_params.promisc!=0, 1024,
    nids_errbuf)) == NULL)
    >   if ((desc = pcap_open_offline(device, nids_errbuf)) == NULL)
    Then relink dsniff to this modified libnids. There are cooler ways
    to solve this including having libnids check for whether device
    is a filename or interface which I will do shortly.
    So now, the -i argument is treated as a file.
    As an example, here from a log box:
    dsniff.file -n -i /log1/log010403.1013
    dsniff.file: listening on /log1/log010403.1013
    04/03/01 10:59:53 udp -> x.x.x.x.161 (snmp)
    [version 1]
    04/03/01 11:00:22 tcp -> x.x.x.x.80 (http)
    GET /foo/ HTTP/1.0
    Makes a real nice harvesting program should you have pcap files
    lying around.
    <snip - eol>
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