Re: Enumerate virtual websites on IIS

From: Eric (ewsat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 11:43:40 PDT

  • Next message: Ron Russell: "Re: snmp vulnerablities"

    If port 135 is open, epdump or rpcdump will show you all the IP addresses 
    that are bound to that machine.  These IPs usually relate to the virtual 
    websites on the machine.  I believe this is also documented in Hacking Exposed.
    At 07:28 PM 7/16/2001 -0400, Malf Easance wrote:
    >Hello Fellow pentesters
    >I'm working on a blind test and found an IIS
    >server that is apparently running virtual
    >hosting multiple websites on the same IP address
    >HTTP/1.0 is refused wants the format like:
    >(I don't know the host sites by name)
    >Is there a way to get IIS to spill a list
    >of all the 'host:' entries.
    >I've tried DNS PTR lookups but it seems as
    >though multiple addresses are bound to the
    >interface as well, so I'm not sure I got
    >them all.
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