Rational Requisite Web shows location of projects in html

From: Mads Rasmussen (madsat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 30 2001 - 12:25:53 PDT

  • Next message: dharanaat_private: "DoS ToolKit"

    Anyone knows the Requisite Web product from Rational?
    It's like Requisite Pro viewing online (something like that)
    It appears that it saves the physical location of the project files (.rqs) in 
    HTML option values, like this:
    <OPTION VALUE="E:\projects\name\teste\Requirements\ReqPro\Reqpro.rqs">Project 
    I was doing a pentest of a IIS4/NT4 machine with ReqWeb installed and found 
    this. I guess if you could succesfully apply a remote exploit you could read 
    or download all project files. All of which are confidential.
    They have enabled access via internet but with apache on a linux machine in 
    The fact that they have apache in front breaks the unicode bugs for IIS, but 
    I am not convinced that there may exist another way to attack the machine.
    I have tried to gain access using some exploits for unicode and RDS but have 
    failed, which is pleasing but I am not really convinced.
    I have explained them that installing patches is the best solution, but they 
    rather not touch the system and feel secure when apache is running in front. 
    I would like to show them that they are still vulnerable, that apache in 
    front is false security.
    Anyone have an idea how to help?
    Mads Rasmussen
    Ci&T Systems Ltda. (www.cit.com.br)
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