Re: New wireless vulnerability

From: Sigurd Urdahl (sigurdurat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 12:03:06 PDT

  • Next message: nemo latin: "besides "sa" who can run xp_cmdshell"

    "PenTestDude" <> writes:
    > Anyone hear about the new wireless vulnerability?  If so, you have any supporting documentation that explains what was found and a how to doc?
    > FYI, here is a snip from the Reuters report 
    I guess this is whats mentioned in aleph1's post earlier today:
      [aleph1@securityfocus] Weaknesses in the Key Scheduling Algorithm of RC4
    There is a link to pdf
    which probably is what you are looking for.
    Sigurd Urdahl                           sigurdurat_private
    Systemkonsulent | Systems consultant
    Linpro A/S                         
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