Re: Emulating a wireless access point

From: Robert van der Meulen (rvdmat_private)
Date: Mon Aug 13 2001 - 15:36:23 PDT

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    Quoting Steve Skoronski (skoronskiat_private):
    > 	Has anyone seen software to emulate this on a PC/Laptop with a wi-fi
    > card? Or should I go look for a used AP? 
    I have been thinking about that, seeing the high density of (non-WEP)
    wireless traffic at HAL2001 :)
    I have tried stuff like you're describing by putting my WiFi card in
    'Master' mode, setting the essid to the network's essid.
    I haven't gotten really far with this, also due to beer and other fun
    things, but afaik it should work.
    From the 'iwconfig' manpage, the section about 'mode':
    |Set the operating mode of the device, which depends
    |on the network topology. The  mode  can  be  Ad-hoc
    |(network  composed  of  only  one  cell and without
    |Access Point), Managed (network  composed  of  many
    |cells,  with roaming or with an Access Point), Mas­
    |ter (the node is the synchronisation master or  act
    |as  an  Access  Point),  Repeater (the node forward
    |packets on the air), Secondary (the node act  as  a
    |backup master/repeater) or Auto.
    So 'iwconfig eth0 essid "HAL"' and 'iwconfig eth0 mode Master' should do
    the trick (probably the other way around).
    			      Linux Generation
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