Re: Using Airsnort through vmware on Red Hat 7.1

From: Andrew Brown (atatatat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 20:13:45 PDT

  • Next message: Dominic: "Re: update on IIS 5.0 relative path vulnerability"

    >Hmmm, VMW just plain uses the host NIC.
    >The 'bridging' is done by VMW, and just hooks the NIC
    >driver and multiplexes it to all the client OSes with matching MACs or with
    >the NIC set promiscuous.
    i don't see what bridging has to do with making airsnort work...but
    bridging would require an interface to be in "promiscuous" mode in
    order to work (ie, to be able to pick up unicast packets addressed to
    another host's mac addr).
    >And I thought that "monitor=read-only" was dependant on the device.  Anyone
    >know one that can be promiscuous and TX at the same time? (bearing in mind
    >it's broadcast technology anyway!)
    the lucent cards that say "wavelan" seem to work for me.  the lucent
    cards that say "orinoco" don't.
    |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
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