Re: Virtual Network testing

From: Rajeev Kumar (rajeevat_private)
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 13:45:41 PDT

  • Next message: R. DuFresne: "Re: Security Audit"

    Basically you are asking hardware emulation for hosts, routers, switches in 
    software. For i386 machine emulation you can use vmware (for Linux and NT) 
    and you can create many PC within one PC desktop environment and can setup as 
    hosts and routers.  Not sure how you  to emulate Switches and HUB.
    On Wednesday 12 September 2001 07:09, Stuart_Luscombeat_private wrote:
    > Hi,
    >      This may be a bit of a stupid question, but is there a piece of
    > software that allows you to
    > run a virtual network? Allowing you to add in routers, hosts, switches etc.
    > and then test the affect
    > of changes to that environment without actually have to affect the live
    > environment.
    > An example of a use for this would be if a specific router went down, who
    > would it affect?
    > Or, if a virus were to get onto the network (hopefully the AV would get it
    > first), how would it spread?
    > Any ideas??
    > Regards
    	Rajeev Kumar (rajeevat_private)
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