RE: Industry Definitions... possible? was Re: Security Audit

From: MCOHENat_private
Date: Fri Sep 14 2001 - 12:47:49 PDT

  • Next message: Bill Pennington: "Re: 802.11B and libpcap"

    As someone that works as an internal IT Auditor, I need
    to make a quick point.
    The term security audit is extremely misused.  This all
    started when the Big 5 firms began to perform security
    assessments.  Next thing you knew, all the boutique firms
    where selling "security audits"
    Audits, at least in the US, should be governed by the
    rules of the AICPA, IIA, ISACA and the standards of
    COSO and COBIT.  Other wise what is being performed 
    is an assessment.
    Audits focus on risks and controls.  Security is
    one of many components that are reviewed.  Audits 
    use tests to determine if a control is functioning
    Much the way Architects and Engineers and trying to
    preserve the professional requirements of these titles
    from the computer industry, I'm trying to do the same
    for Auditors.
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