RE: Hacking demo - most spectacular techniques

From: Joerg Over (overat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 02 2001 - 14:17:11 PDT

  • Next message: Kingbiscuit: "Re: Hacking demo - most spectacular techniques"

    Am 09:05 02.10.01 -0400 schrubst Du:
    <- snip ->
    ->We intend to make a short demonstration of hacking as
    ->part of a longer seminar with more than 100 IT
    ->managers, vice-presindents, and other high-level
    ->morons. The goal is to explain how easy is to hack an
    ->unsecured system or network.
    <- snip ->
    ->2. BO2K or Subseven 
    <- snip ->
    ->Ilici R
    Make sure you're showing the room-sound-recording available through Sub7
    with a soundcard(+ mike) installed on the compromised host.
    I don't know why, but from my experience that's shocking the unsavvy more'n
    anything else. Some of the savvy, too.
    I guess it has to do with a lot of high-level-morons (like that:) not
    knowing anything sensible to do with computer data anyway (why should
    anyone else be interested?), and storing passwords on a sticker at the
    monitor (so why the hassle?). For those, audio is a lot more tangible.
    Take one of those monitors with builtin mikes and speakers to show that one
    might be equipped without seeing at first glance.
    And when they're listening in on the secretaries (for example), quite a lot
    get a feeling for the thrill a script kiddie experiences as well. Talk
    about motivation.
    Greetings, jo
    |  __ __ __ __ _ _          It ain't over 'till it's Joerg Over...  |
    | / _ \ V / -_) '_/                                                 |
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