Lab leads??

From: 'ken'@FTU
Date: Tue Oct 16 2001 - 20:02:17 PDT

  • Next message: Napnap: "Re: portscanner written in PHP"

    I'm looking to set up a lab of about 30 host to simulater an 
    Does anyone have any sources (papers) or ideas that might help? Here are 
    a few parameters:
    Lab must contain various OS'es.
    Lab must be able to be very easily configurable to create and 
    demonstrate holes and how to patch them. (But then recreate the hole to 
    demonstrate the weakness again to another set of people.)
    The holes must be at the network, os and application levels.
    One idea I had is to create images of servers known to have holes, 
    demonstrate the exploit, patch the hole, show it is fixed and then 
    reimage the disk with the old hole. The imaging trick should work with 
    different OS's as well. What do you think?
    Thanks in advance.
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