Re: Cayman Router

From: Erlend J. Leiknes (nookieat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 09:52:30 PST

  • Next message: Russell Handorf: "Re: Cayman Router"

    producent     product                         User    Pass        Access
    Cayman        Cayman DSL                n/a       (none)     Admin
    Cayman        Cayman DSL 3220-H    }        (none)     Admin
    If it DSL router, then by my list, you are admin...
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: a s <agpiahat_private>
    To: <pen-testat_private>
    Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 2:13 PM
    Subject: Cayman Router
    > I have come across a Cayman router which still has the
    > default password set as blank, however I am classified
    > only as a user not admin.
    > Can anyone supply any help in how to show the client
    > that this is dangerous or esculate priv to admin ?
    > Regards
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