Re: problems to start a task with at.exe

From: Windex King (
Date: Wed Nov 14 2001 - 21:50:09 PST

  • Next message: Erik Hjelmstad: "RE: problems to start a task with at.exe"

    I think Mike Brentlinger is on the right track but I 
    think a bit more clarification should help.
    By default, the schedule service starts as LocalSystem. 
    So, if you fire up an interactive LocalSystem cmd.exe 
    session and do some testing you should see:
    uid=1(SYSTEM) gid=1(SYSTEM) groups=2(Administrators),3(Everyone)
    pwdump: You must be running as user Administrator to run this program
    On my W2K box, the new pwdump2 worked fine via a LocalSystem shell.
    W	K
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