Re: A tool for crafting ESP packets

From: Emre Yildirim (emre.yildirimat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 06:18:44 PST

  • Next message: Loki: "Re: A tool for crafting ESP packets"

    Loki wrote:
    > Also, AH isn't a "packet" it 
    > provides authentication mechanisms for IP datagrams and protection against 
    > replay attacks. 
    Then "ESP" isn't really a packet either, since it's just the encrypted 
    payload.  By the way, you can have a "AH" packet i.e.
    tunnel AH packet (good for gateway-to-gateway connections)
    [IP header 1] [AH] [IP Header 2] [TCP Header] [data]
    transport AH packet (host-to-host)
    [IP header 1] [AH] [TCP header 2] [data]
    The authentication header provides integrity for the IP header, the 
    encapsulating security payload just secures everything in the packet 
    that follows the header.
    Just my $0.02 on this.
    > RFC 2402:
    > Loki
    Emre Yildirim <emreat_private>
    GPG KeyID 0xF9E4A1D1 (
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