RE: Sacha, was => Re: opinions on Vigliante's SecureScanNX for attack/pen work?

From: Sacha Faust (sachaat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 16:57:22 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Spett: "Re: SQL Code"

    I found it to intrusive for what we had in mind.
    The product requires ePolicy server, sql server, big management console and
    required a few open ports to function (people can see a quick discussion
    about those ports and trying to understand why they were there in the
    pen-test mailing list a few weeks ago see:
    et ).
    When I started looking for something distributed, I was looking for
    something very flexible and light so it could be installed on consultants
    laptop and something that we could deploy in various environments without
    problems. I knew that Nessus was a good product (and we were already using
    it) but it didn't fit the criteria. When I saw Vigilante, I was something
    interesting and the thing that completely sold me is the fact that in the
    agent to management console, the agent is the initiator of the
    communication. This little thing makes the big difference and solved most of
    the problems I had with other products. You can deploy agents and tell them
    to connect to the console and they report back to you and doing so via a
    outbound connection. If you set it to connect to port 80, a lot of corporate
    firewalls will let the traffic pass so you can have agents inside corporate
    networks and you have access to them via a secondary network. The agent is a
    simple service on the host so it's not very intrusive.
    On the other hand, I Distributed Cybercop is a better solution for very
    large organization that already have ePolicy server. The deployment
    capabilities of Distributed Cybercop is better then SecureScanNX if you keep
    it inside the corporate network.
    I know a lot of big firms are looking to cut down on their cost or trying to
    cope with the fact that a ton of people are getting laid off so distributed
    scanners can help in the process so you can centralize the management.
    just my 0.2$
    -----Original Message-----
    From: H Carvey [mailto:keydet89at_private]
    Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 1:30 AM
    To: pen-testat_private
    Subject: Sacha, was => Re: opinions on Vigliante's SecureScanNX for
    attack/pen work?
    In-Reply-To: <000301c17772$c772c850$66d3ca18@kidgnaped>
    > I took a look at Distributed Cybercop but I
    >quickly stop. It is a  good product but to
    intrusive and not suited at all
    >for the type of work we were looking into
    Could you elaborate on what you mean by "too
    intrusive"?  I think this would be very
    instructive for the rest of us.
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