Re: Scanners and unpublished vulnerabilities - Full Disclosure

From: R. DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 22:59:54 PDT

  • Next message: Deus, Attonbitus: "RE: Scanners and unpublished vulnerabilities - Full Disclosure"

    There's one point I think that has not been fully looked at in this
    discussion, folks have walked around it, but, avoided a direct hit on it;
    over time, with more colsed mouth and kept to the breast vulnerability
    information, and less open full disclosure, it requires companies to buy
    from so many vendors and maintaining so many products to monitor the
    perimiter and inside boarders, and forces folks to use so many different
    scanners that the ammount of data to sort through might well become a
    real pain, that KISS soon flies out the window.  Makes the chances for
    error rise dramtically with costs for all the products required to monitor
    all the potential exploits that each package only parcially is geared to
    deal with.  
    It does seem a shame that the info-sec industry is so bent upon the bottom
    dollar and vulture capitalists that to IT community as a whole might well
    suffer due to niche carving within it, yet it's been bound to happen...
    Ron DuFresne
            admin & senior security consultant:
    "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
    eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
    business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                    -- Johnny Hart
    testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!
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