Interception of modem data transmission

From: Razvan Teslaru (razvan.teslaruat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 23:49:51 PST

  • Next message: raymond ip: "Re: Identify OS?"

    Hi all,
    Recently I was conducting a penetration test which involved, among other
    things, testing a PBX. We were able to subvert normal operation and
    force a conference call upon an ongoing conversation. Which, in turn,
    sparked the idea that modem communications could be intercepted (at
    least in part) through this (or other) means.
    That leads us to my question: once you have, through whatever means,  an
    intercepted full duplex 56kbps data transmission between 2 modems, what
    can you do with it in terms of off-line analysis/decoding? 
    I never thought of this as a real problem until now, but being faced
    with the question, I'm having a tough time coming up with an answer. :)
    PS: The PBX I was talking about was a Mitel. Finishing that pen-test
    left me with a feeling of disconfort about many many things, but that,
    my friends, is another thread. :)
    Razvan Teslaru
    Romanian IT Security Company
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