Re: no404

From: Michael Scheidell (scheidellat_private)
Date: Sun May 05 2002 - 13:24:32 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Scheidell: "Re: no404"

    > returns a 301 HTTP answer (Location:...) with not content, i.e. after
    > http_recv_headers() nothing will be left to receive, get a lot of false
    > positives? (Webmin responds with a 200 all the time).
    webmin broke.
    lart, or submit patches.
    lots of 'tiny' apps broke, 
    I sometimes use 'fetch' and 'wget' to double check, and, yep, so far, on
    all nessus 'false positives', fetch and wget had problems also (they
    didn't understand the error pages eithe)
    Michael Scheidell
    SECNAP Network Security, LLC
    (561) 368-9561 scheidellat_private

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